Welcome Drupal 6

Drupal 6 was released today! After having a play with the beta and release candidates…well, I don’t have to say; this really is a phenomenal release! Here are some of my favourite new features which I’m looking forward to using: Extended logging - You can set Drupal for OS level logging Batch API - A progress bar can track tasks running in the background through multiple HTTP requests Scripting from the command line - This is really cool!...

13 February, 2008

XAMPP and mod_rewrite (getting clean URLs to work)

If you’re using a CMS or blog app, like Drupal or Wordpress (even if you’re not) chances are you’ll probably want to enable clean URLs (sometimes called search engine friendly URLs). This cool little feature uses an Apache module called mod_rewrite, and if you’re developing your site using XAMPP this is disabled by default (possibly for security reasons). ...

4 October, 2007

Essential Firefox web developer / designer add-ons

I’ve been taking a few Firefox add-ons for granted, so here’s a little nod to some excellent add-ons which have made my life easier. I’m not going to list 50, simply because I’ve found either some do the same thing, or I don’t end up using them as much as I thought. So here they are: Firebug Web Developer Toolbar Dummy Lipsum IE Tab ...

29 September, 2007

Getting alt text to display without a caption using img_assist

I ran into a spot of trouble recently with img_assist, in that it only displayed alt text if there was also a caption below the image. Img_Assist takes the alt text from a combination of the title and description, and these fields are filled by default from the title and body of the image node. Although there is no real need for a caption below each image, you will almost always need alt text. The problem was that Drupal wasn’t wrapping the caption in a span, which meant no easy way of hiding it without digging into the module code. This is the HTML output: 1 2 <img class="image _original" width="200" height="75" title="Sunset" alt="Sunset" src="http://example.com/files/images/sunset.jpg"/> <strong>Sunset</strong> ...

4 September, 2007