
The experience of any social network is only as good as the activity of the people on it, right? Quite a few of my friends have joined Google+ and experimented with a couple of posts, but it doesn’t really feel for me that it’s taken off as a social graph tool. It works pretty well within the interest graph, though, and maybe that’s because the API is currently read-only. There are a ton of tools that help you market on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook by managing accounts and automatically posting, but because these aren’t currently available for Google+, the posts and shares seem a little more genuine because people have to actually post directly. It’s a subtle issue, but it means that G+ captures a little more energy, as the posts feel more like they come from people rather than social media management applications. I guess it all depends on who you follow, though. Anyway, I’ll be trying to spend a little more time on Google+ in the coming months and getting involved in the communities that I’ve joined.


On a ‘getting more involved’ note, I’m going to start blogging more, starting here! Blogging has been a sparse hobby of mine for the last six years, posting mostly tips and small tutorials, but I’m going to start documenting more along the way. It’s a good way for an introvert to reflect on the world once in a while :)

Once again, thanks for dropping by and reading. If you’re on Google+, add me up and get involved: